Perla's Bday Fundraiser: Scholarships for Youth

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Catalino Tapia Scholarship Foundation

Let's make history, awarding 50 students with a scholarship this coming year!


raised by 14 people

$5,000 goal

Update #1

Update posted 6 months ago
Thank you for supporting student scholarships through this birthday fundraiser! I am so thankful for your generous support! 

I will continue raising money through December 31, 2023, in hopes that we can reach my goal of $2,500, which I will match with another $2,500 - providing two students with a scholarship that will make a difference in their lives!

With deep appreciation,


Dear Friends,

Many of you know that helping young people go to college is something I care deeply about. In 2007, I first came across the story of a generous, kind-hearted man named Catalino Tapia - a gardener by day and a philanthropist by night. 

Inspired by his son’s law school graduation, he started a scholarship foundation to ensure more diverse, low-income students could achieve their dreams of a college education. To date he has helped hundreds of students and he continues to inspire others to join his noble mission. His story, which has traveled around the world, is a reminder that each one of us can make a difference.

I would like to invite you to join me and Catalino Tapia, el Jardinero de las Becas, as the foundation works to award 50 students this coming year, the highest number of students in one year!

In honor of my birthday on November 9th, will you join me? I will match every donation made up to $2,500. Thank you for celebrating my birthday in this special way!

This fundraiser supports

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Catalino Tapia Scholarship Foundation

Organized By Perla Rodriguez

Giving Activity


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