Contribute towards a child’s education

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Young Life
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Education can't wait for millions of children. Help today!


raised by 0 people

$5,000 goal

Children of today need continuous exposure to quality education, personal values, and life skills. They will grow up to become the decision maker, the trendsetters of tomorrow and they need to be equipped with an ideal upbringing.

Education of the entire generation was disrupted due to the pandemic, which has impacted marginalized children, the hardest. They are at risk of being pushed into poverty or forced to work as their families struggle to survive.

Our children need quality education to have a better chance at a future. The years are not waiting and their #EducationCan'tWait either

We are creating impact across: 

  1. 475+ children
  2. 10 Shelter Homes, 3 Community Centres, 5 Villages
  3. 1050 learning hours per child in a year

This fundraiser supports

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Young Life

Organized By Sanchita

Use of Funds

Giving Activity


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