Redwood City Library Foundation

A nonprofit organization

49 donors

Check out our #GivingTuesday campaign to provide WiFi hotspots and laptops to middle and high school students in our community: Connecting our community to the world

You probably have an early experience with the library in your home town. Libraries have always been a place for us to escape, to find an adventure, or just to relax. But the truth of it is, our first experiences at the library encouraged us to become better readers. This is not the case with all children, especially in our community where less than 50% of third graders are proficient at reading. As an example, a local girl, Maria, came to Redwood City from Mexico when she was 6. When she struggled in school, her school librarian introduced her to the programs and resources of the Downtown and North Fair Oaks Public Libraries. Although she had to walk 20 minutes to make it to the library, Maria visited it at least 2 times a week to find new books, play on the computers, and participate in the various programs offered. As her love of reading grew, she quickly became one of the top of students in her class and later became involved in the library programs herself. She is an example of how libraries can change lives.

Today, more than ever, you can foster the love of reading in every child in our community. Over 90% of brain development occurs during the first 3 years of life. To spur this development, the Redwood City Library has introduced a new Early Childhood Learning Center. Through interactive learning spaces with hands-on activities, books, and programs, we can foster this early brain growth to allow our local children to be better readers and successful in school. Your donations will help us expand this new center with more programs, books, and learning kiosks.

Please help local children like Maria by giving the gift of reading. Help us continue to make our local libraries a destination for all families. A donation in any amount can transform the future of many of our local children. Please give to the Redwood City Library Foundation through Giving Tuesday today! Thank you.


Organization Data


Organization name

Redwood City Library Foundation

Tax id (EIN)



