Happy Jacks RPG Podcast Rainbow Railroading 2020
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Rainbow RailroadRainbow Railroad is a charitable organization that helps LGBTQIA+ people find safety.
raised by 88 people
$10,000 goal
VISIT HAPPYJACKS.ORG/LIVE to watch the gaming marathon this page is for! Starts on Jan, 24 2020 at 7pm PT!
The Happy Jacks RPG Network is holding its second annual Rainbow Railroad 24-Hour RPG Charity Event on January 24-25, 2020, affectionately called “Rainbow Railroading.” Last time we raised $6,635 — more than $1,000 above our initial goal — for the Rainbow Railroad charity, and this time we hope to raise even more!
Keep an eye on social media and enjoy our shows for more updates and the opening of donations!
Happy Jacks Charity Event:
We will be playing a different table-top RPG game every four hours during the event. Each game will have its own prizes, and will be streamed live on Twitch, uploaded to YouTube, and released as podcasts. We will also have larger prizes available for the top donations of the event!
Friday (All times are Pacific)
7:00pm – 8:00pm – Happy Jacks RPG Advice Show
8:00pm – Midnight – Spirit of ’77 – GM: Adam, Players: Joey, Gina, Unique, Teri
Midnight – 4:00am – Girl Underground – GM: Emily, Players: Clara, Mac, Rob, Kurt H
4:00am – 8:00am – Masks – GM: Jason M, Players: CADave, Eli, Pooja, Maire
8:00am – Noon – Traveller – GM: Stu, Players: Jim, Jameson, Blythe, Claire
Noon – 4:00pm – Great American Novel – GM: Chris G, Players: Stork, Moe, Mac, Pooja
4:00pm – 8:00pm – Overlight – GM: Aabria, Players: J., Samantha, Nick, Kimi
Prizes Provided by:
Itch.io - A collaboration of Indie game creators
About Rainbow Railroad:
Rainbow Railroad is a Canadian charitable organization that helps lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals escape violence and persecution in their home countries. Here are some of Rainbow Railroad’s success stories: rainbowrailroad.org/whatwedo. Happy Jacks has chosen to team up with Rainbow Railroad because, as a smaller charity with low overhead, they are able to ensure that the overwhelming majority of their funding goes toward executing their mission, instead of administration or marketing.