Help Me Support Domestic Violence Services!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Between Friends
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Help provide counseling and court advocacy for DV survivors, and prevention & education services.


raised by 6 people

$2,500 goal

Domestic violence is an issue that is very close to my heart, and never more so than during October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

I’m proud to be supporting Between Friends, a Chicagoland nonprofit agency dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic violence.

In the last fiscal year, Between Friends reached 7,105 people with their services -- that includes counseling, court advocacy, a 24-hour crisis hotline, and education and prevention programs for young people and adults.

Please consider making a donation towards this campaign, to ensure Between Friends can continue their important work. I can only reach my goal with your help!

This fundraiser supports

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Between Friends

Organized By Jenn Blass

Giving Activity


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