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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Toucan Rescue Ranch
Fundraiser image

An art fundraiser to help Toucan Rescue Ranch finance essential medical equipment for the clinic.


raised by 63 people

$2,567 goal

Operation Lamp in Use!

Update posted 5 years ago

We just wanted to let our donors know that we have purchased the operation lamp! We were able to put it to good use today with a unique turtle operation! Thank you again for your donations and support.

We know have fully working in our clinic:

  1. Autoclave
  2. Anesthesia Machine
  3. Operation Lamp 
  4. IV Stand 


Within the next 2 weeks, TRR is seeking artists and people that like to get creative! This campaign is all about donating visual designs for our next CustomInk Fundraiser. This is a great opportunity to show your work and help out a great cause! We don’t want to restrict your creativity too much, but we’d like the art piece to be related to WILDLIFE & CONSERVATION!

You don't need to be an artist to support us! You can also participate by making a donation to vote for your favorite design. Each vote, big or small, matters, and will help us to get a step closer to our goal!

What is Needed?

We do NOT receive any financial support from the government. With this campaign, we aim to finance medical equipment for our clinic and enable us to invest more into what we care most - the well-being of wildlife. TRR is growing constantly, this also means the demands of our animal patients do too! In 2018, we cared for 522 different animals, our medical expertise is in high demand. Our goal is to raise $2,567 to afford the essential medical equipment to provide care in a timely manner.  With that $2,567, we will be able to buy the equipment that we need most urgently right now:

             Endoscope $950.00                                             Operation Lamp $821.00

Autoclave $796.00

How Does it Work?


  1. Submit the work that you would like to donate for the online contest with all details via e-mail to
    *(Please include your name/handle, your location, the art title & medium)*
  2. We will post selected pieces on TRR Facebook & Instagram (among other channels) and then people get to vote for their favorite design by placing a monetary donation.
  3. The art with the most votes (donations) wins and will be used on our next CustomInk fundraising campaign. We will send you one T-Shirt with your design for free & notify you with all the info! We will post regular updates!
  4. If your artwork is selected for the competition and in the top 5 winning designs, you'll receive a voucher for 2 people to come and experience an Educational Walk at TRR, valid for 3 years!
    (We can't wait to see your contributions!)
  5. Even if your work is not selected for the competition, we'll make sure your contribution will be exposed to social media with a "recognition post!"


You can support this campaign by making a donation.
If you wish to vote for your favorite design to be printed on the next CustomInk Campaign, please leave a comment mentioning the design title.

We will keep you updated regularly about updates!

The Voting System:

$1-donation = 1-vote
When donating, mention the name of the design you're voting for!
The design with the most votes will be the winner and be printed on our next CustomInk T-Shirt Fundraiser.

If there are any questions left, send us an e-mail to!

What is the Toucan Rescue Ranch?

Toucan Rescue Ranch (TRR) was founded in 2004 to rescue, rehabilitate, and release Costa Rica wildlife. TRR receives and cares for confiscated, sick, and injured wildlife from government agencies. TRR gives the animals a loving home while providing appropriate medical treatment and rehabilitation to return them safely to the wild. TRR is a legal foundation in Costa Rica and a U.S. 501(c)3 tax deductible non-profit.

Use of Funds

Giving Activity



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