Ashley’s and Kahlil’s Page
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Beacon, Inc.$1,216
raised by 32 people
$1,000 goal
On June 26th, I (along with Bodhi and Kahlil) will be participating in Shalom Community Center's 2nd annual Solidarity Sleepout. Due to COIVD-19, we've had to take our fundraiser virtually, so we'll be sleeping out in our backyard rather than as a group. Funds raised during the sleepout will go towards keeping the doors of A Friends Place open.
A Friends Place is the only non-religious overnight shelter in Monroe County and offers 40 beds year round. It's a vital piece in conjuction to all that Shalom offers our most vulnerable community members. I believe strongly in the work that Shalom does for those experiencing homelessness.
Last year Kahlil and I participated in the inaugural event. We were grateful not only to all of those that helped us exceed our fundraising goal, but also for the awareness it raised in each of us. It personally gave me a new view of homelessness and I think it did for Kahlil as well.
Since that time, I have gotten more involved with Shalom. I am a member of the Development Committee as well as a Shalom Board member and a monthly donor. Kahlil often considers Shalom when he is thinking about places to give to and learn more about. When tasked with a school research project this spring, he chose Shalom.
So, we are back at it this year, but have added Bodhi into the fold. We are looking forward to sharing this fundraising experience with him as well.
We hope you consider donating to help us reach our goal. Thank you for your consideration!