Laura *WILL* Graduate!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Louisville Story Program
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You know I love to write! Won't you support me as I write for the Louisville Story Program?


raised by 6 people

$517 goal

Thank you, stealthy ones!

Update posted 8 years ago

Thank you to my three anonymous donors! I am not on Facebook (this is one of those times I wish I was) and cannot comment there, so I shall express my gratitude here and hope it floats through cyberspace from Razoo to you. I'm off to a good start, thanks to you. 

        I first heard about Louisville Story Program (LSP) about a year ago and was thrilled to learn how the nonprofit amplifies the voices of people in our community who we don’t hear from often enough. I’m a student in Spalding University’s MFA in Writing Program, and most of you know that I’m excited about writing and about learning in general. I love that LSP provides extensive writing and oral history workshops, as well as intensive editorial support for its writers—writers whose hard work culminates in the publication of professionally designed documentary books, exhibits, and radio programs. These accomplishments are only dreams for many writers.

       As a participant in the Louisville Story Program Write-A-Thon, I’m asking if you will donate money to support LSP in its mission to help some folks in our community tell the stories of their lives, in their own words. My goal is to raise $517, and then I’ll head to Spalding (which has been my home-away-from-home for the past four years of graduate studies) on Saturday, May 20th, for a day of dedicated writing. (Why $517? The number 5 for the month of May, and 17 because it's my favorite number. [And I'm silly like that!]) My ten-day graduation residency starts the following Friday, so I’ll be writing feverishly in preparation for that grueling, exciting, crazy time.

        Many thanks! I appreciate any amount you are able to contribute.

Giving Activity


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