No-Cost ADA Access Ramps and Safety Modifications

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Interlink Inc
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Help us purchase the materials needed to provide ramps and safety modifications to those in need!


raised by 0 people

$10,000 goal

6 Years and 112 Ramps; 2015-2021

Update posted 3 years ago

Since 2015, Interlink's volunteers have installed 112 ADA Access Ramps at ZERO cost to the recipient. We are honored to continue to provide this valuable service to our community. This is only possible thanks to donors like you.

Interlink's volunteers install ADA compliant access ramps at the homes of the elderly and disabled in the Lewis-Clark Valley. These ramps can be quite expensive depending on the size and materials required. With your support, we can continue to provide these ramps at ZERO cost to the end-user. 

Our Safety volunteers also install items like grab-bars and shower-bars at no-cost to help keep our elderly safe. Please consider donating to this fundraiser to keep these services cost-free to the client.

These ramps and safety modifications allow the elderly and those with mobility limitations to remain in their homes rather than being forced to move into an alternative living facility - saving thousands of dollars each year - and allowing them to live better, longer, and more independently.

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