Operation Give: Uganda

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Saint Ann Foundation EIN 83-0652651

Our goal is to raise $50,000 to provide educational support & food for 83 kids for an ENTIRE YEAR!


raised by 103 people

$20,000 goal

It’s that time of year again when we all come together to do something incredible for these beautiful children in Uganda! 

MISSION: Our goal this year is to raise $50,000 to support children in Uganda with school supplies & food for an ENTIRE YEAR!

IMPACT: All funds raised will provide school supplies such as backpacks, shoes, clothing, and additional materials for educational support. Nutritious meals and snacks will be provided at school every day, which may be the only food they will have that day. 

I’LL BE THERE! Alongside the Saint Ann Foundation staff and volunteers, I will personally hand deliver the first batch of school supplies to the children this winter. You’ll be able to see the direct impact of your personal donation through photos and videos taken on-site while we distribute the donations. Saint Ann Foundation in Uganda will purchase and replenish the school supplies and food throughout the year. (This trip is already paid for; every dollar you donate goes to the children.)

WHY: I believe that it is of the utmost importance that every child has access to food, education, and the opportunity to feel loved and celebrated in the ways that we often take for granted. It’s so easy for us to give these children the basic things we too often forget we are privileged to have -- and it costs so little! Working with children in need teaches you to be more like them: joyful and grateful in the moment, regardless of what you do or don’t have. I hope that participating in #OperationGiveUganda brings you some of that gratitude and joy.

DONATIONS: I'm reaching out to you for help. Together we can do this! Just $40 provides one child with food and educational support for a whole month! All donations are welcome, big or small; every penny counts and is appreciated beyond words. 


SHARING: Most importantly, spread the word by sharing with your network, friends, and family. Can’t donate monetarily? No problem! Your voice still matters! Please share our video to help spread awareness and to generate donations and support. Your share could inspire a domino effect of donations! Statistically speaking, every share generates an average of over $102 in additional donations and engagement!

TAX-DEDUCTIBLE: Yes! You will receive a tax receipt e-mail for your donation to a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

WE’VE DONE THIS BEFORE:  Over the past 7 years together, *we* have raised a total of $90,000 for children in need in Guatemala and Uganda! With high hopes and a can-do attitude, I am confident we will make this yet another successful year to make some more beautiful children feel super duper loved and cared for!

  • In 2012, we wanted to give 500 children in Guatemala a holiday party filled with gifts, food, and love. Not only was the party a huge success, but our goal of raising $5,000 was actually doubled; supportive donors contributed $10,020! 
  • In 2013, we wanted to have a luncheon for 1,000 women and children in Guatemala by raising money and handing out donated items to them! We raised $3,542.00!
  • In 2014, we wanted to provide 600 children in Guatemala with educational support and food for an entire year. We surpassed our goal of $26,000 by raising $27,500!
  • In 2016, we wanted to provide 50 children in Uganda with educational support, food, a field trip to the zoo, and a holiday party with presents for 200 children in the community. We blew our goal of $24,000 out of the water by raising $41,710!
  • In 2017, we wanted to raise funds for critical education programs for young children and their mothers in Guatemala. We surpassed our goal of $5,500 by raising $6,552!

MY STORY: Growing up, it was important to my parents that my brothers and I remembered to be grateful for all blessings in life. More importantly, to share those blessings with others. When I started Operation Give, I did so with the intention of supporting children in need with educational resources, food, and loads of love to make them feel special. I know that many others share these feelings, and I’m so happy that we all have a platform to make a difference together! :D

SOCIAL MEDIA: To follow our progress, view photos/videos, and get news about upcoming fundraising events please follow us: 

Facebook: @OperationGive

Instagram: @Operation_Give

#OperationGiveUganda Fundraising Video

Filmed, Directed & Edited by Brooks Knudsen (@BrooksKnudsen)

Animation by Tyler Knudsen (@CinemaTyler)

Intro Music by Richie Arenas

SPONSORED BY: Fundraising campaign is sponsored by Give Photography.

Giving Activity


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