Organization name
Saint Ann Foundation EIN 83-0652651
Education , Children & Family , Community
1508 West Artesia Square Unit DGardena, CA 90248
We exist to promote a coordinated effort aimed at the efficient acquisition and use of resources in order to enhance the welfare of children, adolescent girls and young women.
Motto: Empowered Children, transformed communities.
Saint Ann Foundation (SAF) envisions a world where children are nurtured and loved, given the necessary support they need to live life to their full potential, rescuing them from extreme poverty, deprivation and where adolescent girls and young women have the opportunity to actively contribute to their communities.
Our programs support children & young people to participate more fully in their education by providing scholarships, emotional, practical & financial support.
Our programs give disadvantaged children the skills, motivation, & essentials to stay in school & get the most from their education so they can create a better future for themselves.
We are dedicated to providing opportunities to underprivileged children & women through education, cultural arts & community support. SAF works with the poor to overcome poverty and injustice as well as alleviate the distress of the vulnerable and defenseless. They provide food, shelter, education & love to those who are marginalized & in need of compassion. SAF serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, gender or economic background etc.
SAF programs support children & young people to participate more fully in their education by providing sponsorship, emotional, practical & financial support. The programs give disadvantaged children the skills and motivation to stay in school & get the most from their education so they can create a better future for themselves.
Why does Saint Ann Foundation put an Emphasis on Education ?
“Education attainment is an important predictor of future employment, welfare, and health prospects – and it improves [a person’s] ability to contribute socially and economically in the community.”
Our volunteers make a positive change in the lives of our children & the local community.
A saint can be described as a person of benevolence, a patron of an organization. Ann sought out her lost nephew when her brother confessed to abandoning the child after birth. She found a 10 year old boy named Abel after death of brother. Abandoned by his mother, he was living in a poor village with a grandmother who could not provide adequate shelter, food or education. Ann took Abel into her home & provided an environment to foster growth through education. Grateful for the opportunity to rise above poverty Abel founded the Saint Ann Foundation. In the name of his aunt, he works to provide underprivileged children of Uganda a better future.
The Problem
Large portions of the Ugandan populations live in rural areas & depend upon unreliable rain-fed farming to make a living. This is not sustainable and means that many families are stuck in poverty. Access to services such as schooling and healthcare is often difficult in these areas. There are limited employment & income-generating opportunities. All of these factors mean levels of poverty in rural areas are disproportionately high.
Today, 1 in 4 Ugandan households has an orphaned child & living in jobless families, where even life’s basics are hard to come by. When families are experiencing financial disadvantages, children can fall behind with their learning, leaving them more vulnerable to experiencing hardships themselves later in the life. Research shows children & young people living in disadvantage have access to fewer books & learning materials in the home. Access to support & resources forms the foundation for learning. In many cases, the parents of disadvantaged children may not have the skills or experience to support their child’s education. As these children get older, they have fewer role models, & access to mentors and networks that are critical for creating educational opportunities to help them build their aspirations and be motivated to learn.
Impact of Disadvantage
Disadvantaged children are on average 3-5 years behind in reading and writing by the time they are 15 years old. The reading and writing gap between the lowest socio‑economic status (SES) children and the highest SES children is equivalent to almost three years of schooling. Primary completion rates are significantly lower (54%) for children from low SES backgrounds than for children from high SES backgrounds (85%). University students from high SES backgrounds are three times more.
Saint Ann Foundation (SAF) is an independent non-profit organization founded in 2016 and registered in Uganda (MIA/NB/2017/08/173) and in the US as a 501(c)3 NGO (EIN 83-0652651).
Organization name
Saint Ann Foundation EIN 83-0652651
Education , Children & Family , Community
1508 West Artesia Square Unit D