Save the Ewok!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Helens Haven Animal Rescue & Sanctuary
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raised by 10 people

$2,100 goal

Almost a month along!

Update posted 7 years ago

Well,  Ewok defied the odds and continues to do well.  She's a very active, inquisitive and smart little girl.  She has NO house manners other than using the litter box.  We are very grateful for that, while less thrilled with her insistence on inspecting, and trying to sample our (human) meals, as well as her delight in rubbing her soft bunny-like fur all over any (human) face within range.  She has been banished from the bedroom at night cause some of us like to sleep!

Seriously, we are delighted that she is showing such enthusiasm for life, especially given her dire condition on intake.

So, how are her labs?  Not as great as we'd like.  Her white count is still up a little and she's still a little anemic.  While she has held on to the blood we gave her, her bone marrow hasn't really ramped up yet.  We are still hoping it will since we have no idea how long she was in such poor shape.

The doctors are putting her back on doxycycline (an antibiotic) and adding in a steroid.  Thank you for supporting us as we give her a chance~she's loving her life right now!



This  little one was found trying to join a feral colony, but we don't think  she's feral.   She is in terrible condition (emaciated, full of fleas,  swollen & sore back leg.  She's going to need a lot of help, and  we'd like to give it to her.   Given her condition, the best thing is to  run all the necessary tests asap so we know exactly what we're looking  at in terms of treatment and prognosis.  

We're calling her  Ewok because she looks like one and in honor of a bottle baby we once  saved who looked a lot like her.  Won't you help us in helping her?

The plan:

Office examination

FeLv/FIV test
PCV/TP - immediate results to tell us if she's dangerously anemic from the flea load.

Blood  panel - results tomorrow - general health, plus special attention to  white cells (infection) and red cells (flea mediated infection)

Urinalysis (looking at kidney function)
Xrays to determine if the leg is an abscess or a bone infection.

Giving Activity


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