Emergency Relief Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Families in Transition-New Horizons
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The need has never been more real. We can't give support without YOU!


raised by 0 people

$2,500 goal

This request for your financial support is unlike any other we’ve had to make before.

The current state of the world is unmistakably different from any other we’ve ever experienced or seen. The effects on you, your family, your friends, your work, and your lives are, without question, far-reaching. The demands to adapt to the new normal of everyday living have been stressful and, for some, crushing.

The challenges have been significant, and there is a major concern about the impact on the vulnerable community you support. As one of the largest homeless providers in the state, our goal is to do everything we can for those in need during this difficult time. But achieving this comes with many obstacles. That is why your contribution is critical.

Families in Transition-New Horizons remains committed to keeping programs running and continuing operations that provide essential services. We’ve ALWAYS needed you to accomplish the mission to provide hunger relief, emergency shelter, safe, affordable housing, and supportive services to individuals and families in New Hampshire. This time is no different - the stakes are just higher.

To that end, we have created an Emergency Relief Fund to address the challenges faced by the community you are dedicated to supporting. Please consider making a gift...

Your gift to the Emergency Relief Fund could provide:

  • $1,000: A night of shelter to ten individuals experiencing homelessness.
  • $500: Two hundred meals to individuals and families experiencing hunger and food insecurity who are part of our programs.
  • $250: Ten boxes of non-perishables to low-income individuals or families in our local community.
  • $100: Emergency response supplies such as cots, blankets, masks, and cleaning supplies.
  • $50: Diapers, wipes, and formula, for families with infants in our programs.

We understand that times are difficult for many, but please know that every dollar makes a difference.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Giving Activity


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